Spare sensor for testo 206pH2
227,17 € (Περιλαμβάνει ΦΠΑ 24%)
Εφεδρικός αισθητήρας pH για testo 206pH2, συμπ. πώμα αποθήκευσης με τζελ
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Shipping costs are borne by the Customer and are paid according to the shipping method after consultation upon receipt.
The available shipping methods are:
By courier company (The fastest way)
Most products are shipped in 2 to 3 days with couriers General Postal.
ATTENTION!: In some remote areas sending by courrier is still impossible. In such cases, the shipment is made by post or with a transport agency after our telephone consultation with you. Deliveries are made if it is a courier company after the courier company has telephone consultation with you, to determine the exact day and time of delivery.
With a transport agency (The most economical way for bulky products)
For products that are bulky, it is advantageous to send them with a transport agency (4 to 6 days and pick up from the agency headquarters).
Other ways, such as KTEL, train, etc.
Upon prior agreement with us.
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at e-mail: info [at]
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